There's so much to look forward to with Neuro Hebrides we thought we should put a bit of a plan together.
The events listed here are for January to the end of March 2024 and another post will be written for April and beyond.
All events are organised for people with Neurological conditions. Any transport and venues visited are accessible for those using wheelchairs or walking aid, and an accessible toilet is available.
For the event with transport, please get in touch to book your place so we know how many people to collect in the minibus.
There's quite a few events and activities coming up to look forward to with Neuro Hebrides......The list below is what we have planned between now and the end of March. I will send an update on What's on April and beyond later.
-Next Monday 29th January is Gentle movement with Christine Darby-Munro at Cuppa and Catch up. 2pm at the Failte centre.
-Monday 5th February; Arts and crafts with Jane Harlington at Cuppa and catch up. 2pm at the Failte centre.
- Monday 12th February; Gentle seated yoga at Cuppa and Catch up. 2pm at the Failte centre.
Wednesday 14th February - Online event. Take some Breathing space. Sometimes our thoughts and feelings overwhelm us to the point where it becomes difficult to cope with everyday life.
It helps to get some Breathing Space. You are not alone and talking about how you feel is a positive first step in getting help.
Join us for this session with Breathing space officer Lisa-Jane Dock to find out about Breathing space and how it may help you, and take some time to think about your breathing space.
- Friday 16th February; Climate change day with Neuro Hebrides. Join us for a day talking about how climate change will affect us in the Hebrides; from health and wellbeing, transport, travel, wildlife and more. There will be accessible site visits, discussions and talks , and Arts and Crafts.
A minibus will pick up at 10am at Lews castle car park, and aim to back in Stornoway around 3pm.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Get in touch to book your place.
- 19th February; Cuppa and catch up. 2pm at the Failte centre.
- 26th February; Gentle movement at Cuppa and catch up. 2pm at the Failte centre.
- 4th March; Arts and crafts with Jane Harlington at Cuppa and catch up. 2pm at the Failte centre.
- 11th March; Gentle seated yoga at Cuppa and Catch up. 2pm at the Failte centre.
- 14th March; Neuro Hebrides are taking a trip to Harris. We will visit Tarbert where we will go to the Harris Hotel for Cuppa and Catch up, to enjoy good company and maybe a bit of cake. Please let me know if you would like to join us. A minibus will pick up people in Stornoway. Meet at Lews castle car park at 10:30am. We aim to be back in Stornoway by 3pm.
- 18th March; Cuppa and catch up. 2pm at the Failte centre.
- 25th March; Gentle movement at Cuppa and catch up. 2pm at the Failte centre.
- 28th March; Neuro Hebrides are taking a trip to Ness. We will visit the Butt of Lewis lighthouse before going to Comunn Eachdraidh Nis for Cuppa and catch up. A minibus will pick up people in Stornoway. Meet at Lews castle car park at 11am. We aim to be back in Stornoway by 2:30pm.
These events are just some of what we organise at Neuro Hebrides. Neuro Hebrides are here for you all and if you have any ideas of where we can visit in the future, don't hesitate to get in touch;