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My Neuro Survey: Have your say


My Neuro survey is the largest patient experience survey of people affected by neurological conditions, including friends and family, in the UK.

1 in 6 people in the UK is living with a neurological condition, yet many are unable to access the support and healthcare needed to manage their condition.

My neuro survey runs every 2 years to give a picture of the experience of care, treatment and support for people with neurological conditions.

Nicky Cowsill, representative for Neuro Hebrides, helped to develop the next 'My Neuro Survey' and ensure the views of rural and island communities is heard.

Nicky applied to be on the working group for development of the 2024 survey back in May. After a successful interview with the Neurological Alliance, Nicky secured a place on the Questionnaire & Development Group meeting every few weeks online to discuss changes needed to the previous My Neuro Survey in 2021, and Nicky also had input into the new carers survey.

"It's been a huge privilege to represent  Neuro Hebrides and be part of a national panel. I've met people from across the UK and have had the chance to talk about the experience of neurological patients in a remote island community. For example how important it is for island patients to be able to continue to access remote appointments even after the Covid pandemic."

The 'My Neuro Survey 2024' survey includes a carers survey along with  the existing adult and children/ young persons surveys. 

Previous My Neuro Surveys have been crucial in informing the work of the Neurological alliance of Scotland, of which Neuro Hebrides are members. The findings from the 2020/2021 survey formed the Together for the One in Six Report and were the basis for the UK-wide 'Back the 1 in 6' campaign. The campaign also triggered the NAoS to establish a Mental Health subgroup as a who published their Recommendations for Better Mental Health Support for People Affected by Neurological Conditions earlier this year.

You can complete My Neuro Survey by scanning the QR code below, or click here.

Make your views count, good or bad, it is crucial that a true picture of the care available for people with neurological conditions and their carers, is presented in order to enable change.

If you have any questions, please get in touch:

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