The Palliative care and Neurology Team are organising a series of engagement events for people of the Western Isles. They want to reach out to as many people in the Western Isles as possible to talk to people about Anticipatory Care planning and the ReSPECT process.
It is a really good opportunity for you to come along and talk about your options as a patient, and even if you are not currently needing medical assistance it's a good opportunity to find out what care planning is available.
In these events you can find out more about Anticipatory Care Planning and the ReSPECT process, hear updates on Cancer and Neurology Services and how you can be involved in service development.
The first set of engagement events are being held in the Southern Islands as follows:
UISTS - PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT EVENT Tuesday 20th September An Caladh East Camp, Balivanich 1pm-2.30pm or 5.30pm-7pm
Then there will be engagement events planned in Lewis and Harris.
The team are also running an engagement event specifically for Neuro Hebrides. This is a great opportunity to talk to the team about the care options available and ask any questions and talk about any concerns you may have. This will be held on Monday 3rd October during Cuppa and Catch up at the Failte centre.

You can also find out more about Anticipatory Care Planning at NHSInform.
For further information about the engagement events, contact: Gail Allan, Macmillan Lead Nurse Cancer, Palliative Care and Neurology. Email: gail.allan1@nhs.scot